Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A student again...again

I had a post sometime back with the title, "A student again."
This time I'm stepping up a bit more. Three classes in the MA program, two in SWI. Actually one of the MA classes is simple and isn't worth any credit hours, so it doesn't really count. The other two, however, are 3 credit hours and will be serious. I have about 12 books to read and book reviews as well as one research paper. Should be fun! The two classes I am taking are Introduction to Biblical Counseling and Gender, Marriage & Sexuality. Both classes seem like they are going to be very informative and interesting. Frankie suggested at lunch that I get serious about this degree and try to graduate when he does. I'm considering that. We'll see how this semester goes. If I decide to do that, I can take a class this summer and two or three in the fall, then january term. By then we may be leaving campus, so I'd have to take classes at extension centers or online. It may be doable though. We'll see.
Tonight a friend is coming over and we're going to listen to two prof's and their wives talk about adoption. I'm interested in hearing their stories. Frankie and I are considering starting the process for adopting a child, since it will likely take well over a year. I don't know if that's possible since some money is likely needed up front. Maybe it's at least possible to do the work and research about it all.

Sunday, January 28, 2007


titus2talk.blogspot.com is a site I just came across and really enjoyed.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A little learning

A few things Lydia Catherine has already taught me:

1. Manage time wisely if anything is to be accomplished.

2. Do not count on "scheduled" naptimes.

3. Take a million pictures each day.

4. Never say, "I will never..." (especially before having children while watching another parent with their child. Lydia Catherine is only (almost) three months old and I've already done several things I vowed to never do.

5. And of course, true love.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, while I'm still uncertain about the job situation, I will be taking two classes in the MA program this semester (starting Monday): Intro to Biblical Counseling and Gender, Marriage & Sexuality. The first class meets for a couple of hours one day a week (Mon) and the second class meets twice a week for an hour (Tues, Thurs). In the Intro class, the quizzes and final are memorizing Scripture. How useful and beneficial! Both classes require several books to be read and the second class requires a research paper...ugh.
Maybe posting my weekly verses will help me memorize (and be a blessing to others):

Psalm 1:1-3

(1) How bless is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
(2) But his delight is in the law of the Lord
And in His law he meditates day and night.
(3) And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season,
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Once again there has not been a chance to blog like I'd like to. I do, however, have a few things to write about. First of all, my spare time recently has been devoted to scrapbooking. I tried my hand at his several years ago (with very limited supplies) and found I did enjoy it. More recently (over the summer I believe) I started back again, finding pregnancy an ideal occasion to scrapbook. Since the arrival of Lydia Catherine, our camera flashes nonstop! To preserve these photos and journal her life thus far, I began scrapbooking again. So far I have completed several pages in her "infant book" (a book limited to the first three months).
Classes start Monday and I'm uncertain what I'm going to do. Frankie has classes on Wed & Thurs. Originally I was going to take one class and SWI and work part-time. There were three classes, however, that I needed and was interested in. So I ended up signing up for three classes and two SWI classes. Frankie suggested I not work since I was going to take so many classes. Our financial situation is so lousy though and I really feel like I could be making us more money! The problem, however, has been that I don't mind the idea of being gone for class (an hour each day) but the thought of being gone 8 HOURS two or three days is horrendous! I don't know how I will manage to be away from Lydia Catherine that long. Just the thought brings me to tears. She's so little and each day she does new things. I hate to miss a moment. But I know it would alleviate the financial stress if I work. I broke down and sent out three resumes (online at CareerBuilder). One employer emailed me asking for an interview tomorrow. I agreed, even though I don't know a thing about the company...it's a medical network and I don't really even know what that is. They are only looking for a part-time employee...two or three days a week. We'll see what happens tomorrow. As for classes, I will likely just take one class if I start working.
I don't know how Frankie will manage taking care of Lydia Catherine if I am working all day. I have only pumped about 20 ounces of milk, so I'll have to get busy with that. If the interview works out and we decide for me to go to work, I will likely delay starting until February 5 and take a week to pump (and invest in a nice pump!...the one I am using is halfbroken and a manual pump).

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I don't have too much extra time this morning, but I want to post some thoughts before I forget.
First, we have much going on around here. We finally (after 2 years) took my computer to be repaired. I desperately need it since Frankie will be taking his laptop to the library each day after classes begin. I can't go to the computer center anymore since I'll be taking care of the baby, so I really need a computer for me to finish my work on. The repair (as Best Buy) was about $200 and will be ready in one to two weeks. Hopefully it will be clean and we won't have additional problems with it.
Today we have church, of course and I dread the drive to Munfordville. It's freezing outside!
On my last post someone asked me if my husband was looking for a larger church. This is something we (esp my husband) has struggled with and I thought I'd post about it. He's been at our current church over two years. He started that pastorate before we were married and his financial situation wasn't as dire. His rent was half what it is now since he lived in a dorm. He also didn't have a baby and that added expense. The church won't/can't(?) pay anymore (just over 12,000/year) as they are used to having pastors that are bivocational or part-time. We have struggled with the question of seeking another church. On one hand, God has provided for us this far and we know He will continue to do so. However, it's typical that more educated preacher's are in larger churches. But maybe that's not because they were lead there, but because they want to be there. Another thought recently crossed my mind about it. If full-time, more educated pastors take the smaller churches, where will the part-time, uneducated, bi-vocational pastors go? Preaching is the only job where there is a question about leaving for more money. I mean, in any other profession, this wouldn't be a question. It's like you are doubting God in finances and assuming you deserve a bigger church because you're educated. However, many people in our current church have suggested Frankie get another job to supplement income. But he's a preacher...that's all he knows how to do! I'll write more on this tonight..

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Saturday, January 20

Once again it's been awhile since my last entry. Here's what's up:
Since her vaccines, Lydia Catherine has been fine. She is still fussy in the evening hours, but she's a good baby overall.
She does good on Sunday mornings in Munfordville, but by Sunday evening she's tired and fussy. Same thing on Wednesday evening.
Last night we had a couple over for dinner, which was fun. I cooked spaghetti & garlic bread and made salad. I thought it went over well. (Aside from Lydia crying most of the time they were here. I had planned to give her a bottle to get her used to it since I'll have to pump more starting next week. She wouldn't take the bottle at all! I don't know what we're going to do).
I signed up for classes (starting next week) to continue working on the MA degree here at Southern. I signed up for Intro to Biblical Counseling; Gender, Marraige & Sexuality; Cooperative Program (an easy, mandatory class); and a Writing class. I also plan to take two SWI classes (Essentials and Conflict Management). Total hours away from Lydia Catherine each week will be 9 hours (Mon-Fri). Not too bad. However, I have also been trying to find a part time job. I don't know if I'll even have any luck with that, but if I do that will put me away from her even longer. I don't know if that will work out.
So classes start on the 29th and I'm looking forward to it. I know Frankie will finish the PhD program before I come close to finishing the Biblical Counseling program, but I can take online classes, go to an extention center, or transfer to Liberty (which offers the entire program online).
Additional good news: we paid Frankie's tuition in its entirity! $2400 last week. Mine will be about $1000 and we have about half of that. So month payments won't be as high as previous semesters. Because of our continued financial hardship, Frankie has been sending out more resumes, but so far we've not heard anything.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Frankie is currently singing "Jesus Loves Me" to Lydia and I thought I'd blog while I have a few minutes without the baby. We're trying to get her into a schedule/routine for the day.
I signed up for classes today. I'm taking Conflict Management & Essentials on Wed mornings/Thurs nights and Gender, Marriage and Sex on Tues.
Not much else new going on.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


We took Lydia Catherine to her two month check up yesterday and she seems to be doing great. She's 11.1 lbs, 22 1/4 in, which are both in the 50th percentile for her age. Everything else looked fine, as well. Our Pediatrician group is really great. Our pediatrian, James Hinkebein, is a wonderful doctor and convinced us to vaccinate Lydia. I thought it relevant that he vaccinated all six of his grandchildren on time. He is also very well informed about all the controversy surrounding vaccines and autism, SIDS, etc. After spending two days reading and researching myself, I think the benefits (to her as well as society as a whole) outweigh the risks. Dr. Hinkebein's opinion swayed me in the direction of vaccinating completely.
Lydia was vaccinated at 2pm. She has a total of three shots. The vaccines were mercury-free and the Pertussis vaccine was acellular. Before and after the shots were given, Frankie & I took her into the prayer room and had prayer for her. We are trusting God in this one obstacle...I'm sure we have so many more to go! Parenting is difficult!!! And she's only two months old!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Two Months Old

Lydia Catherine is two months old today! She's really growing and doing well...other than being a bit fussy from time to time, but I guess that's understandable and expected.
Frankie and I will take her to her two month check up tomorrow. We have decided to delay vaccinating her for now, but are still researching the pros and cons of this. This is such a difficult decision and we are praying that God will direct us in this. We have to ultimately remember that God is sovereign and He loves Lydia even more than we do. I guess all we can really do is research and make a well informed decision. I am not anti-vaccinating (at this point), but am leaning towards delaying vaccinations and spreading them out more. (Dr. Sears and Dr. Jay Gordon advocate this). The links to autism (from mercury in vaccines) and SIDS (MMR) and other neuro problems are quite scary.
Frankie and I were sick in SC for about two and a half weeks with a bad cough. We figured it was just a common cold and prayed Lydia wouldn't get sick. She had a small cough, but was mostly fine. Unfortunately our cough has returned! I suspect bronchitis, and I think it's best we just let it run its course. We pray that Lydia will remain healthy and strong!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2, 2007

Today we're leaving SC for KY. It's been three weeks and I'm ready to get back into our routine, but I hate leaving (mostly for my parents sake). The last few days have gone really well and we've been able to spend a lot of quality time with family.
Sunday Frankie preached at the church where we got married. We had lunch with the pastor and his wife and then came back to my parents. My family and my aunt went with us to the evening service, then we all stayed up late talking about beliefs/convictions/sins. My mom, Frankie and I stayed up until midnight (2007). Monday we spend several hours with Frankie's family, then had dinner with my parents.
This morning has been a little emotional. My mom's pretty upset about us leaving, since she won't see Lydia again for several weeks. I think it's harder departing when we've been here for a long time.
When we return to KY Lydia has to get her 2 month vaccinations and checkup. I think she's over 11 lbs!