Monday Morning...
Frank & I brainstormed several names for the new baby last night (at 10pm while eating CheezIts. I'm ashamed to admit Lydia was still awake at that hour. She has been battling terrible constipation of over a month now and is currently on Miralax, which has helped significantly. The problem, however, is that if I give a 1/2 capful, it's too much, but 1/3 isn't quite enough (tho it produces a BM every other day). I have been going with 1/3 capful and she's been going every other day, without pain, but she's still very hesitant to go (she holds it). It takes about 45- 60 minutes of me literally coaxing her to poop. Needless to say, I was coaxing at 9 and after she went she was hungry. Soooo, having said all that, we were all at the table last night considering names.Daughter #1 is Lydia Catherine and we want to stick with Bible names.
Possibilities include: Elizabeth Rose, Sarah Elizabeth, Sarah Rose, Susanna Rose. Frank is absolutely STUCK on Rose, and I love Elizabeth (although it is very common). My middle name is Suzanne and I found Susanna in the Bible recently. Anyway, if it's like it was with Lydia, I had no clue what to write when they brought me the birth certificate. I had to ask Frank if we had decided on something. The truth is, he chose Lydia and my mom chose Catherine. Sad.
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