Monday, June 02, 2008


Much to update about in a short amount of time (Lydia's still in bed!). Classes ended successfully...I did well in the classes I took and Frankie passed his comps...yah! His next step is preparing a prospectus. Basically his title/topic for his dissertation. He has been working on that for awhile now, so he's gotten a small headstart.
Lydia is 18.5 months old and is a mess! She is repeating everything (or trying to), she is singing and loves music. She still loves books and will sit patiently at any time while I read to her (usually about 4-7 books at a time). She is so beautiful and is still obsessed with babies (both dolls and real babies!). She adores other kids and I regret there aren't more children around for her to play with. She is really good at sharing (I know that won't last) and is overall such a joy. The only negative is that she is still breastfeeding. I know I probably shouldn't say that's a negative; I'm glad to do it for her. And she only nurses to go to sleep (naps and at night), and like twice during the early morning (4am, 6am). I just really don't think I am not up for tandem nursing. I don't know...I'll do it if I have to. I have not been able to stop nursing Lydia cold turkey (I wouldn't do that to her) and I can occasionally distract her when she wants to nurse before napping. At night, though, if I try to stop nursing her she goes nuts! Anyway, we're managing.
As for the new baby, we'll find out today the sex; my u/s is at 2pm. Frankie made a pretty funny statement worth retelling when asked what he wanted. He would love to have a boy, but he is and wants to appear thankful for whatever God blesses us with. Anyway, a church member asked what he wanted a boy or girl, and Frankie's answer was: "Well, if it's not a little girl, I'd love to have a boy." what other options are there? I thought it funny.
So the other "big event" is that we're trying to decide about our future. We cannot continue at our current church and are trying to decide/discern if we should continue in KY (while Frankie works on his dissertation) or go back to SC for awhile. It's difficult to make this decision as there are pros and cons with both.