quick update
so i go from not writing for a month to writing hours within my last post.
ok, so i'm still pregnant. the baby looks fine... everything is there that they look for at 9 weeks. the baby is measuring right for 9 weeks. praise the Lord!
our edd is Oct 19
A month later..
I haven't had the time or energy to write lately. We've had a very busy last couple of weeks. On February 22, I had a lot of bleeding/clots and was told on the phone that I was most likely having a miscarriage. The bleeding occurred once and the PA suggested I take a pregnancy test after two weeks if there was still no bleeding. That was the case, and two weeks later I tested positive. I had blood work last Monday, with HCG levels at 144,000. The OBGYN's only response was that the number was "promising" and "good and high." Today I am scheduled for an U/S, which will tell us a lot more. When I had the bleeding I felt confident I was miscarrying. The following weeks I attributed the pregnancy symptoms to hormones that had not yet leveled off. Now I'm unsure what to think, or even hope for. I am trying not to think about it at all, but that is difficult. Lately, I felt hopeful that maybe the baby is fine and it's just one of those weird things. The PA said she'd seen women bleed tons and still carry until full term. Also she said the clots I passed didn't necessarily mean anything. She also said, "You're probably still pregnant." I've read enough online to know that isn't true. Clots at 6 weeks are almost always miscarriage. Anyway, we shall see. I know it is in God's hands.
The worst part of all this has been this crazy waiting... three weeks! Ugh.