Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Well, I'm still stranded in SC, not that I'm really complaining about that. I do miss Frankie, but I like being home. Frankie called Monday to see what I was going to do, but we never decided anything. Classes started Tuesday, and needless to say I missed the first day of class. I debated dropping the class and signing up for an Internet class. I finally managed to figure it out, but the Internet class seemed like more work than the class I had originally signed up for. Since I'm pregnant and scheduled to give birth before finals, I figured that was not the best solution. Frankie suggested I e-mail the professor (of the class I missed) and explain the situation to her and see if it is ok that I just come to class next Tuesday. I did so and she responded that I could stay in the class, e-mail her my assignment for Thursday and be in class next Tuesday. I have failed to mention to her that I am 7 months pregnant and will also likely need additional time out of class at the end of the semester. I'll reserve that for an in-person discussion. At this point I am so naive as to believe I may be able to deliver this child on any day and still make it to class at the scheduled time.
I think I'll likely go back to KY either tomorrow or Friday. I have to decide by today though to let 'my ride' know.
Last night I had the craziest dream. First of all, I've been reading Dr. Dobson's book, Hide or Seek Building Confidence in Your Child . Click here: Focus Resource Center - The New Hide or Seek by Dr. James Dobson.
"The founder of Focus on the Family offers 12 solid strategies for protecting kids from feelings of inadequacy and inferiority. The New Hide or Seek best illuminates the needs of children and addresses common concerns such as appearance, intelligence, shame, violence, acting out and others."
Well, in the book Dr. Dobson makes the statement that he thinks parents are obligated to do the most they can for a child that has a serious physical flaw. I agree with this, but I was unsure that Frankie agreed. So before I went to bed we discussed it. He agreed and we got on the subject of physcial flaws we had as teens.
Also, yesterday my mom and I got on the subject of milestones. We talked about different children we know that talked sooner than others. We were talking about "smart babies," how parents could help their infants talk sooner and communicate better.
Ok, so back to my dream. I dreamed that our baby was here and she was like 3 or 4 months old and was talking in complete sentences. We were so proud and happy. Frankie was holding her and I was sitting beside them, looking at her profile. Suddenly I realized something was wrong with her nose! I just felt my heart sink as I realized she needed plastic surgery.
It's funny because the whole point of Dr. Dobson's book is to teach parents how to build the confidence of their child. The first few chapters are dedicated to epmphasizing how society places such value on beauty and intelligence. This is unjust and I think it is horrible, yet I dreamed about both things in regard to my own child! I do hope she's intelligent and beautiful, but moreso I hope she is godly and dedicates her life to pleasing and serving Christ.
It annoys me that subconsciously I must care a lot about her intellect and physcial attractiveness. But I guess it's human nature and we're all such sinful, flesh-oriented creatures.