Saturday, August 12, 2006

Baby Shower Day

It's Saturday morning and Frankie's sister is giving me a baby shower at her house in a few hours. Frankie decided that if he went to the shower and we got on the road around 4pm today, he'd be too exhausted to preach effectively in the morning. We would have gotten in KY at 1 or 2am. He also knew I hadn't spent as much time with my parents and I'd like, so he offered to let me stay a few extra days. Woohoo! I don't like long periods apart, but I think a few days does us good. Since I've not been working lately and he's not had classes, we're with one another 24/7. Literally! I do love him and I like being with him all the time, but a little space is good for us, I think. His sister called last night and told me I was welcome to bring my mom with me to the shower. I'm glad she called and suggested that because I had already planned on it. I figured it was entirely within the lines of propriety. Regardless, I'm glad she called and made the suggestion. I hadn't expected to be excited about the shower, but I am! It's likely the only one we'll have. My family discussed a shower, but my schedule and there's didn't match too well, and this is the last trip to SC before the birth. I suppose they'll just have one after the baby is born. As far as a shower at the church, I'm doubtful that will happen. A lady that was pregnant last year never told the women at the church when she'd like a shower, so the ladies at the church put a box at the back of the church and told anyone who wanted to give something to put it in the box. They may try the 'box method' with me! (To give the church some credit, it was the woman's second child and traditionally, showers are just for the first baby).
Last night I soke with Frankie a few times on his trip back to KY. He was listening to a book on tape...the Green River Killer(?) I'd heard almost all of it, but he finished it up on the drive. He said the ending made him cry...he had to pull off the road! One of the family members of a victim stood up to address the killer. She was and elderly lady and she told the killer that she forgave him for what he did to her daughter. (Her daughter, Opal Mills, was 16 or so and the man stangled and raped her.) But for this mother to save she forgave him...unreal. She said because of her faith in the Lord, she was able to have peace that surpasseth all understanding. Frankie said he said aloud, "Amen, amen." LOL. He's is a great guy. I do love his heart and his dedication to the Lord.