Monday, August 14, 2006


The baby shower Saturday went well. My mom went with me and all of Frankie's aunts were there, along with several cousins, his mom and sister. We received a car seat, about 600 diapers, several outfits, a pink lamp, blankets, photo albums, wipes, bibs, socks, pacifiers, etc. I don't really think there's much else that we need. I still want to get a few baby slings and we still need a chair for the nursery (either a rocking chair or a glider).
Frankie called last night to ask when I was coming back to KY. I dread that drive/ride back! It really was a bad idea for him to drive on back without me. I know he had the best of intentions and I have enjoyed a few extra days here, but it's going to be such a hassle to get back. First of all, we didn't really discuss how/when I was going to go back. He left Friday afternoon so he could rest and have time to prepare before preaching on Sunday. His original suggestion was either someone could meet him halfway with me or I could drive my parents extra (beat up, three colored) car. The problems with the first idea are my parents have to work all week and Frankie starts classes tomorrow. The problem with the second idea is that we didn't ask my parents about this and dad doesn't think the car is reliable enough for me to drive back alone in it. Also, there's the matter of returning the car, as they do use it frequently for short distances.
Frankie's sister offered to take me back this week since she won't be working until the weekend. I might end up having to take her up on that and just let my parents offer gas money.
There's another issue with me staying extra time here. I was also supposed to start classes tomorrow. Well, one class really. But it doesn't look like I'm going to make it there! I'm unsure what to do. I hate to miss this week because I know I'll miss days in the fall when the baby arrives. I considered dropping this class and signing up for an internet class, but I can't manage to do that online. Ugh.