Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday morning

Yesterday I cleaned out our closet, folded and put away 3 loads of clothes, vacuumed our apartment, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen and cooked two meals. I felt like it was a productive day, but my back, hips and feet HURT last night. My feet are really swollen this morning and I fear that I will be forced to wear open-toed shoes until I delivery this baby. I realize my toes my likely freeze and I will look absurd when it's below 50 degrees in the middle of fall wearing summer shoes, but regular dress shoes no longer fit. My feet feel 2 sizes bigger than before pregnancy. Next time around, I'm aiming for getting pregnant in August or September.
Frankie & I started a new family devotion. We're reading chronologically through the Bible (in a year). We read about three chapters most nights, pray and sing a couple of hymns. Each night we pray for a different need. (Monday is for family, Tuesday is for the church, Wednesday is for the government, Thursday is for missionaries/pastors, Friday is for the lost and Saturday is for miscellaneous needs). I hope we can stick to this plan!
Well, I better get to the shower. Frankie sleeps about an hour longer than me and it drives him nuts when he gets up and I haven't showered yet.