Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day

This weekend has been so eventful (and tiring). Frankie's family came in and we all stayed at our apartment Thursday night and Friday. Friday afternoon we went to Munfordville, where we stayed until last night. Frankie & I stayed with an older lady from the church and Amy, Jody & the twins stayed with that woman's daughter (also an older lady). They offered six months ago for us to stay there so we did. I guess it was easier on me in that I didn't have to do a lot of cooking (nor did we have to spend lots on food). So Friday we had a late lunch then went to some consignment stores and Peebles (where I found two pairs of leather shoes for less than $20!) I also bought a pair of maternity jeans from another store for $5! Woohoo!
So Saturday we got up and took a road trip to Nashville, TN. We stopped first at Andrew Jackson's estate, where we did so much walking! I'm glad I wasn't farther along in this pregnancy or I'd have gone into labor for sure! Then we went into Nashville. I think the Lord might have been testing me there; or Satan was tempting me. We went to eat and to visit the (new) Grand Ole Opry House. Afterwards, we went to the OpryLand Hotel. I had been to both places before with my ex-boyfriend, and it was very odd to be there with Frankie and his family and a church member! We walked into the Hotel and I recognized the hallways and the names of the areas. Inevitably memories scrolled through my mind as I recalled the last time I was there and the hotel was decorated for Christmas. Within moments I found myself comparing my life now to how it was then. My husband stood several feet behind me, not talking to me and never making any move to stand beside me, hold my hand or anything (which is his typical behavior). I've mentioned before that he is not a touchy person. He's uncomfortable with hand-holding or hugs although he says he wants to get accustomed to it. Unfortunately, I recently realized that my primary "love language" ( is "Physical Touch." This means, I need physical touch to feel loved and appreciated. So anyway, although it is an area we are working on, at the time it seemed to make things worse. I realized that this sort of situation was exactly what I had to get control of and it went hand in hand with the conviction I felt Thursday night (see 9-1-06 post). I don't want to play the comparison game. I know I have the best now. I also know that the memories and thoughts that creep up now won't always be an issue. Frankie and I are just beginning to build our life together. We've not had time to build years worth of memories yet, but each day that we do will hopefully bring us closer together. Every memory we share will help solidify the foundation of our marriage. Not to mention the baby we have on the way! The rest of the day was fine. I didn't feel down or nostalgic and managed to tuck the memories into the farthest recesses of my mind (and prayed for God to fade those memories quickly).
As I think about my life 'then and now' I'm happier now and I'm at a better point in my spiritual life. I know God gave me an awesome gift when he gave me my husband. I could not ask for a holier, kinder, more wonderful husband.
[I will add that since marriage I have really come to understand the importance of not dating an unbeliever, and not dating without the express intention of marriage.]
Sunday we had the church service and picnic at a park. They do it yearly around this time and it's sort of like a homecoming. It lasted from 10am until at least 1pm. When we left we took Frankie's family by to see another older lady from our church. She doesn't have much family and I thought she'd appreciate seeing us and the twins. I think she enjoyed our visit. Then we went back to the home of the lady we stayed with. We visited with her then went to an evening service at a nearby church. After church we headed back to Louisville, with one stop (Pizza Hut!).
Now I'm up but everyone else is sleeping. I'm pretty tired myself, so I guess I'll go take a nap!