Thursday, August 31, 2006

Apartment complaints...

Today Frankie's sister and her family will arrive. I still have quite a bit to do. Our apartment is small, but I would like for it to be immaculate when they get here. As I was cleaning yesterday I found myself wishing for money to make changes to our apartment. Selfish, I know. Also materialistic. But when company comes, even just family, the house reflects the wife. I know you don't typically have to have expensive things to have a nice, organized, clean home, but there's one area I just cringe over. Our bedroom. We have a sliding glass door in the living room and in the bedroom that lead to a small balcony. Frankie is one of those people that cannot sleep if there's even the smallest amount of light shining in. He can't even had the numbers on the digital clock showing. (So you can imagine what this balcony does to him). So being the tacky but creative man that he is, he hung a turquoise (of all colors) sheet on the window, behind the blinds. Then we hung drapes given by a church member. Well, there were three panels of drapes. Two were the same color, but the third was a similar color, different shade. Unfortunately it took all three to cover the window. So the odd panel is in the middle. I wish I could say it gave the window an interesting flare, a creative uniqueness that broke the monotony of typical window treatments. I wish I could even say it looked alright. But it doesn't. It looks quite stupid. So my light-sensitive husband still wasn't really satisfied with the results. He said light was creeping in through the top! So he rolled two blankets and placed them at the top of the drapes! I tried removing them and he had a fit. Picture it: two matching end drapes with a different panel in the center. Yellow and brown rolled up blankets (completely visible) perched on top of the drapes. How hideous!
And from the outside, TURQUOISE highlights the window!
The only solution I have come up with that will be cheap is if I can find black curtains at a GoodWill or something. I could hang those behind the blinds, maybe double them. They wouldn't be visible from the outside and they may be dark enough that we can at least dispense with the blankets on top!
Other than that, our apartment is ok, I guess. Well, aside from Frankie's study. I just completely leave that area alone though. Early on I hassled him about keeping it clean and organized, but I figure it's his private space and he is much too busy to worry with cleaning. Daily I do a once over the room to make sure there's nothing I need to remove (dirty socks that get discarded on the floor, glasses or plates from midnight snacks while studying, etc).
I guess I better get busy. I must clean the balcony windows and straighten the bathroom. (Newspaper works amazingly well on getting rid of streaks on windows. I had always heard that, but just recently tried it. It's great!)
Having complained about the apartment and cleaning duties, I do need to end this post by saying, I am thankful to God for a home and the things we do have. We are blessed to have furniture that was given to us and is in nice condition. Because the apartment is relatively small, cleaning doesn't take long at all. And I do enjoy the satisfaction that comes with having a clean, organized home. I'm proud to be a God-called "keeper of the home."