Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Morning thoughts

Yesterday Frankie didn't go to class because he didn't have his work completed. He worked as much as possible over the weekend, but it was just impossible with family visiting. Neither of us went to chapel yesterday morning. I had my Spiritual Disciplines class, but other than that the day was uneventful. I did manage to wash two loads of laundry and go to the grocery store. I still have at least two more loads of laundry to wash.
I don't know if it's the nesting thing going on due to pregnancy or what, but the clutter in our apartment has been driving me nuts for the last couple of days. The problem is lack of space. Our two largest closets are packed so full that it's dangerous to quickly open the doors because items may be dislodged from their precarious position and come crashing down on your head! Frankie, of course, is a pack rat and does not want to throw away one thing. I had a box of items to give away and the next thing I knew, he had the whole box tucked in a corner of his study. I think I'll concentrate on removing clutter (when he's not around) this next week. If we had more room it would be ok to keep a lot of what we have, but because space is so limited, I think it's likely best to just give away all the extra stuff we have.