Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday, 15th

Well, this week has mostly been uneventful. Monday was the 5th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attack. Tuesday I had Spiritual Disciplines class. Wednesday we visited Highlands Baptist Church. Thursday I had Spiritual Disciplines class as well as SWI. Today and tomorrow we are attending a Family Life Conference. Those are the highlights of the week, I guess. Uneventful.
I have decided to really focus on scheduling my time to get more accomplished. Day after day passes and I cannot really see that I am getting anything accomplished. I know that I end up wasting a lot of time, but I really want to minimize that from here on out. I have made a weekly schedule alotting specific times to do specific chores, reading, classwork, etc. I feel really guilty that I have not read more books since I have not been working. I plan to implement the following goals into my daily schedule: read required books for class, read books to assist in growth, read books for future classes. I want to read from each of these sections daily (at least an hour). I also want to be more consistent with my spiritual journaling, daily journaling, and prayer lists. Above all, I plan to devote an hour daily to Bible intake and prayer. I have been trying this, but it's not as regular and consistent and I want.