Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Well, I haven't blogged since Sunday morning, so I have some catching up to do. Sunday was interesting! We had our usual Sunday school class in Ms. Hilda's apartment. The apartment complex has mostly elderly that aren't really able (in some cases they simply aren't willing) to go to church for an hour, so we do a thirty minute class there and many of the elderly women come. Anyway, after SS we went on to church. Afterwards we were supposed to eat with an elderly lady in the church. She cannot see well, but she invites us to eat with her every so often. She manages to cook a huge meal and I admire her willingness to take on such a task. Initially I did have concerns about eating the food. That has been a concern with many people we eat with (especially those that you SEE lick their fingers, then handle the food...ick), BUT God has really helped me overcome that!
Anyway, church went well, but afterwards, my husband disappeared. After a few minutes, someone told me there was a deacons meeting. They were in the meeting forever! Finally he came out and we headed to dinner. On the way there he told me they were considering giving him a raise. I've mentioned this at least once or twice before, but he makes $1,138/month. (That's our only source of income now). (Rent $575, Tuition $350, Electic $40, etc.) So we've barely made it the last three months, but God has consistenly provided. Also, thank God for Medicaid...without that we would be in big trouble since neither of us have health insurance. We also spend a lot on gas to go to church...it's an hour away. So apparently one of the deacons suggested Frankie needed a raise, especially with a child on the way. Another deacon apparently isn't so thrilled with the idea, but they've pretty much all agreed to meet and discuss how much of a raise, then vote on it at the next business meeting. After dinner on Sunday, we drove back to the church and I could tell that Frankie was down. I suspected someone was offensive or his feelings were hurt, but he didn't want to tell me. I think he fears that if he tells me something negative that was said, I'll dislike or be rude to whoever said it. So after a while he told me that he really wanted to resign! So my question was "resign and do what?" He didn't have an answer. Then he said with a smile, "Is there any way we can get by a couple of months without this income?" (As I said before, that is our only source of income...no savings or anything else). So I respond, "Maybe if we start playing the lottery." Needless to say, he didn't resign Sunday night, but he said he wanted to so much. It's really surprised me. I know he's been praying about it for a few months, but I wasn't expecting it. Monday he sent out several resumes and even called a local college about a part-time teaching position. I am praying that God will open the door to the place He wants us!