What he forgot to tell me about being a pastor's wife
This is a little facetious...a bit tongue-in-cheek. But as Frankie says, there's a bit of truth in every joke.Before marriage, there were many discussions about me being a pastor's wife. Frankie was very concerned with whether or not I'd make a "good" pastor's wife. I was eager to marry him and so busy answering questions that I forgot to ask my own questions! It's much too late now. After 23 months of marriage, I now know many questions I would have asked and many things I'd have liked to have known. Many of these things would apply to anyone...not just pastors. I'd have like to have known:
- his family.
- sometimes you have to eat at places and with people that are not at your standard
of cleanliness.
- holiday's may have to be spent without extended family. (depending on school &
- poverty may be our way of life. possibly for a season, possibly for a lifetime.
- there are expectations not only from church members, but from neighbors,
friends, & family.
- sometimes you must wait in the car for over an hour after church.
- the average person does not understand a pastor's life.
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