Saturday morning
Well, mom arrived Thursday evening and unfortunately Lydia had been very ill because she'd missed her nap and was ready for bed. Also she had a small fever from vaccinations! (Not an ideal time for a new visitor!). She did, however, give mom a big grin immediately. Mom then tried to hold her, but that didn't work at all. We went to bed, then Friday morning mom was able to hold her and play with her quite a bit. Lydia Catherine was really showing off yesterday! She was in the car seat (we were parked so we had unbuckled her) when suddenly she just sat straight up and leaned forward, grabbed her toy then leaned back. Quite a big deal! Then later yesterday she did the same thing while propped on the boppy. She's been struggling to sit up, but she topples over. Yesterday, however, she had mastered balance! At one point yesterday I was playing with her...I'd look away from her, then turn my head toward her really fast and laugh and she'd laugh. After several times, she turned away, then looked back to me really fast. She had caught on to the game! It was awesome! Mom loved being able to witness all those new things!
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