Lydia Catherine 4 months old
So she's four months today. Hard to believe . . . she'll soon be 6 months, then a year . . .then 15. Dear Lord. It's going too fast!
I just adore our baby girl. I can't wait to have more children!
She was recently sick, as I last posted. During that time she got into a routine of waking up every couple of hours and nursing (really pacifying on the breast!) to go back to sleep. She did much better last night. She also went about a week without taking any naps! She got back into her three hour nap routine yesterday though. (And is actually napping now).
We are really struggling with a few things regarding Lydia Catherine. Each night I lay down on our bed with her and she nurses about 5-10 minutes then falls asleep. I transfer her to her crib and she usually sleeps about 4 or 5 hours, then wakes up crying. At this point, I usually just nurse her back to sleep (in our bed) and again transfer her to the crib. I really don't think I can manage to let her cry it out at this point. It just seems unhealthy. I do want her to learn to put herself to sleep. But when should she learn this?
Another situation we have is best given in illustration. Ok, last night we visited a local church where there are many seminary students...and therefore tons of infants and children. In the nursery there were about a dozen infants, most of which were sitting peacefully in their carriers, sucking their pacifiers. These infants did not whimper, whine, cry, or shout. So I went to feed Lydia and she fell asleep. I was trying to ease back into the sanctuary, but before I got out of the nursery, she woke up. She looked around at the unfamiliar walls, gave me a confused look, then tensed. I knew what was coming and there wasn't anything I could do about it. I begged her not to, I tried to sooth her quickly, I finally closed my eyes as the first PIERCING scream rang out. I was mortified. The nursery staff was mortified. Several women ran to me...I imagine they thought I dropped her or hurt her in some way. Someone asked if I needed gas drops, another young mother offered Tylenol. I muttered, "no, she just does this sometimees." A woman came over and offered to take her for me...then she said, "The poor thing...what is wrong with her?" "Don't know" I mumbled, feeling my face turn red. So she finally calms down, but is still sniffling with tears on her face. I tentatively ease from the room and a woman comes older lady who runs the nursery. " this who I've been hearing cry?" She reaches out and I desperately want to scream, "NO! Don't touch her." It's too late though and how do you say that to people anyway. She reaches out and touches Lydia on her hand with her finger. Lydia tenses, quivers, her eyes snap shut and she ROARS out...SCREAMS. I ran. Thankfully church was over...I gave Frankie a look and just said, "go go go" He knew what it meant and we rushed to the car. He asked what she did and I told him the whole story. As I'm talking, we get in the car and get settled. I look at Lydia and she's laughing! She then coos and babbles as if to explain what her problem was. She was fine from that point on. The thing is, she does that EVERY time we're in Munfordville, too. At least five times someone has either touched her or looked at her and she just went off. I have no idea what we're doing wrong. Other babies do not do this. I see other babies. Lydia also has fits when we aren't holding her. She will swing or lay on the floor or sit in her bouncy seat for about ten minutes at a time. When she's sick of it, that's it. You have to pick her up. She doesn't calm herself down or relax or even get distracted. I don't mind any of this (although it is a little embarrassing at times), but I don't know if we're doing something wrong or if it's just her personality or what. ANY ADVICE WOULD BE WONDERFUL!
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