Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 5

i spent about thirty minutes typing and the post just disappeared! i'm so annoyed!

Lydia Catherine did very well on Sunday. Only one person asked to hold her (not too bad considering the church was packed!). I did leave early, which probably prevented more people from asking to hold her.
She seemed to do fine all day. She was very scheduled with her feedings (she ate every three hours on the minute!) She had two long naps and was alert and quiet for a few hours during the day. Even her ride back home was good. (She typically hates the car seat passionately. I thought babies loved to ride?! I think she just hates being strapped down.)
The nightly crying is diminishing. It was lasting up to 3 hours, but now it's down to 1-1.5 hours. Once she's asleep she rests 4 hours between feedings (only up once during the night). She nurses and goes right back to sleep.
She goes Friday for her one month check-up. I'm interested to find out her weight and length. Hopefully she's growing well!

As for what she's doing:
She's gripping. She'll grip our shirts when we're holding her and won't let go.
She's smiling. Yesterday was her first social smile. She had been smiling in her sleep before, but yesterday was the first time she's really smiled at us.
She's making more eye contact. Those eyes are bright and taking everything in. She's making eye contact and following us with her eyes.
She's laughing. I've heard it twice in her sleep. It melts us!
She's had awesome neck/head control since her second week. It's really stonger now though. She moves her head from side to side and lifts it off my chest for quite awhile.
Yesterday she rolled from her side to her stomach. She also managed to scoot about a foot down the couch, which was scary!