Thursday, November 23, 2006


Lydia Catherine is 2 weeks and a day old today (and 2 hour and 14 minutes). This is her first Thanksgiving! Also it's my first Thanksgiving away from home. Because of Frankie's school (he has a big paper due next week), we weren't able to go to SC for Thanksgiving. He actually did say if I really wanted to we could go from Thurs-Saturday. I felt like the long drive and traveling back and forth between families would be too much on Lydia Catherine. I don't want her to have to face swarms of relatives (possibly sick ones!) this early.
Sooo, my turkey is in the oven. I've never cooked a turkey before, much less all the typical sided items that go with Thanksgiving. I'm attempting though. I have turkey, ham (both really small), rice, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoe casserole, herb potatoes, rolls and an apple pie for dessert. I hope it all turns out good.
I should mention that I think Lydia Catherine has colic. For the third night in a row, she's cried from around 10pm-2am for no apparent reason. I tried the obvious...feeding her, changing her, and even in desperation, gas drops (after calling the pediatrician to make sure it was safe). Nothing works. We tried a vibrating seat, singing, pacing, rocking, humming, etc. She gets calms for a few moments, but the crying doesn't stop until well after midnight. From 2 until 10 or so she sleeps with just a feeding or two between (and a couple of diaper changes). Frankie sang last night until he was almost hoarse. I think he went through every song he knows...from hymns to Christmas carols, to made up songs.
I just hate hearing her cry...especially not knowing what's wrong or how to help her!
One more tidbit, her umbilical cord/stump fell off this morning. Her first milestone.
I hope everyone (anyone) who reads this has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
By the way, to those who prayed for us during the time of pregnancy, labor and delivery, THANK YOU