Valentine's Day
Lydia has been crazy lately! I don't know what's up with her...if it's her age or a stage or something else. There have been a few changes that may have something to do with her behavior, but I don't konw. For one, I'm trying actively to wean her during the day. She is nursing still before napping and before bed and during the night. She also wants to nurse first thing in the morning and periodically during the day.. esp if she's tired or ill. I'm trying to cut out all nursing this week, except at nap/bedtime. We'll work on those after the other sessions are over. She drinks whole milk and eats ok, but I feel like it's time to wean now. Anyway, I wonder if she's wild partially because of weaning. She's been extra clingy and I wonder if that's also part of weaning.She also has been staying with Frank more during the week. I go to classes three days out of the week and she's with Frank during those hours. That's a bit different for her, as well.
Anyway, hope this improves! She's making me nuts. Oh, I also suspect she may be teething, too.
On a different, but maybe similar note, I'm pregnant.
I feel funny typing that as Frank and I have not told anyone yet. I'm only like 4 weeks along, so we're going to wait until the end of April to tell friends and family.
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