Over it...
Ok, I'm not going to post for awhile about the headlines. It's depressing and can become an obsession. I'm finding myself hesitant to smile at men that speak to Lydia or smile at her. I don't think I've been overcome by a spirit of fear and I don't worry about this issue (most of the time) but clearly Lydia's life, as my own, is completely in God's hands. He holds her future.So anyway, I've been overtaken by two new things. I'm very excited about these projects and am eager to post about it.
First, two weeks ago I started a sewing class. It's free here at the seminary and it awesome. I wish I'd have known about this two years ago!! We meet once a week for an hour and a half and in just two weeks I've made a bag/purse! I'll post a pic later. I was very excited about this amd am eager to start on my next project... a dress for Lydia! What fun! I think I'm going to attempt to make her a pillowcase dress. I recently saw one on Ebay and think they look reasonably easy to make (and cheap)! (Although Frankie doused my excitement by saying, "Looks like that kid's wearing a pillowcase to me.") [Sigh}.
The second thing I've been eagerly reading about and attempting is scheduling my cleaning time. I have read many blogs lately from homeschoolers that lay out their time and schedules for cleaning certain rooms. One blog in particular described how to get rid of excess! And become organized!! (Something we desperately need!) I told Frankie about it and tried to get him motivated to get rid of his piles of clothes that he cannot and will not wear. The task failed; he is such a packrat! I, however, cleaned my closet last week and have two bags of clothes to give away. Very exciting. I also packed up two bags of maternity clothes that were crowding my closet. My child's almost a year old and I still hadn't bagged up maternity things...long overdue. I also organized Lydia's clothes for the fall/winter. Our space here is very limited and therefore very crowded/packed/stuffed...we have junk everywhere. I'm resolved to at least clear away much of my own junk to free space and clutter.
I also have started doing specific chores on specific days. I have tried this before, but it didn't last, so I'm trying again. Here's some of the schedule:
Monday I get groceries, clean fridge, clean kitchen cabinets, stove, microwave
Tuesday is laundry day (If we had a washer/dryer I'd do this daily but because of the laundry room/basement, it isn't convenient to wash daily).
Wednesday I mop kitchen and dust.
Thursday I clean the bathroom: including scrubbing shower, tub, toilet & sink and mopping floor
On Friday we usually get out of the apartment, but I do laundry Friday night and/or Saturday morning.
Saturday I clean our bedroom and the study.
Each day or every other day I vaccuum and lysol floors (because Lydia is crawling everywhere).
I'm attempting to plan our meals for each week (doing this for two weeks now) and we are saving money! We have not been out to eat nearly as much as usual, which I love!
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